Online Educational Leadership Degree

Educational Leadership Degree Overview

Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Educational Leadership and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.

education administration degrees

Educational Leadership Career Outlook

The job outlook for educational administrators is expected to be about 10% between now and 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The areas where needs for educational administrators will be greatest will be in preschool programs, formal daycares, and post-secondary educational training programs like trade schools. The number of positions in America’s public school system is supposed to stay about the same as the school-age population will not be increasing in great numbers over the next decade; however, aging educators will be retiring, and this will create a need for new positions to be filled.

Educational Leadership Salary Information

The job is challenging and rewarding and so is the salary. Different states have different salaries in their public education systems for educational administrators and also secondary schools generally pay administrators a little more than elementary level schools. As of May 2017, the median annual salary for educational administrators was $92,360.

Educational Leadership Required Job Skills and Knowledge

Most educational administrators must have at least a bachelor’s degree and work experience in their desired field. Many were teachers or have other experience in the educational system. Employers look for people with good interpersonal, communication leadership and organizational skills. People with Education Administration degrees should understand school finance, law, curriculum development and community relations. Educational administrators are expected to be able to communicate professionally and effectively with students, teachers, and parents.

Colleges For Educational Leadership Degrees

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